photograph: prayers by johnny monahan

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

one those days

i'm having one of those days when i feel like i'm coming down with something but i'm not quite sure if i really am. it seems to happen most after returning to a dry climate from a moist one. my eyes are dry and itchy and i'm tired... almost blue. my muscles ache a little too. (is it just me or does this sound like the beginnings of an ad for an anti-depressant?)

for the the last two days, i've had dreams about 2 people that i wish i never had. this has added to my somberness. i can handle and divert my thoughts when awake but when asleep, i really have no control. i guess i can try resorting back to my childhood anti-nightmare regimen. while on my knees before hopping into bed, i'm going to pray that i don't have any menmares.


  1. I always have "menmares" when it's too hot in my house. Make it colder and you will sleep better. Hang in there girl :)

  2. What dry climate did you go to?

    I hope you'er feeling better today!

    Dang menmares...I hate them too.

    Love you Rika!!!
