Tuesday, November 30, 2010
dear santa
i hope you're well.
i've been a reasonably good girl.
please send me someone righteous, sexy and gainfully employed.
i believe!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
can someone please tell me why
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
why canada? why?
because our office has acquired canadian accounts i have to be at my desk tomorrow at some ridiculous time in the morning. as an act of defiance, i'll be rolling into the office in my red with white polka dot flannel pajamas. boo. the only thing that i can look forward to is overtime pay.
with the fat traffic ticket i got a few months ago, the extra dough is much needed.
also, i feel as though i need to address something that has come up in the comments of my readers ;). i love you platt and wilson. you both know that i do. thanks for having my best interest in mind. i think i need to clarify the pot situation. the price tag on top of the pot said something that clearly wasn't an enamel dutch oven pot. it said something like tiered platter holder. i had a tough time fighting for that one. if it were a vague tag then i maybe would have fought for the pot. however, one has to be in a particular mood. and after chatting with mr. costco, i really wasn't in the frame of mind to argue a case where the tags were mistakenly switched. had they not remedied the mistake, you better believe i would be crying foul.
happy thanksgiving my loves! that includes all you silent readers.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
today's events
help the beehive prez
finish bake and deliver cookies
missed a call
missed the gym
he called.
he left a message.
other than the sounding like doctor frankenstein on the phone (no bueno), he sounds a bit young and quite cheesy.
he said i could call him anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week... yes, he used that term.
and he called me hun.
Monday, November 22, 2010
missed call
the caller could be 1 of 3 possibilities. 1) a wrong number 2) a friend with a new number or 3) mr. costco. there was no message left on my voicemail and the caller never called back. the popular book 'the rules' says not to call back. have him keep calling to reach you. i don't know if that is sound advice but i feel ok with not calling this number back... yet. he needs to at least leave a message. sorry ladies.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
by popular demand
i never heard from mr. costco. in fact, i wasn't really expecting to. i was happy with the experience because it made me smile. it was fun to flirt with a cute guy (he has a baby face) and i have to admit, i was flattered.
BUT, my close friend leta and her best friend kylie (visiting from utah) wanted me to make something happen so they encouraged me to go back to costco today. i wasn't for the idea, it sounded way too stalkerish but i had a couple of things to pick up and i was curious to see if he was working. my sister-in-law betsy recommended that instead of checking out in his line as leta had suggested, i should try the next line over so that i could smile and coyly wave instead of forcing myself on him.
i thought that was a great idea but when i got there i found him in the last line to the right facing nothing but that caged storage area. oh well, i thought. kind of a bummer, i know. so i went about my shopping and browsing excited to soon bite into that buck-fitty hotdog and soda.
at the entrance i saw this beautiful red enameled 6qt dutch oven pot priced at $20. i put it into my cart thinking it was a fabulous buy. when i checked out, and realized that my total was a lot more than i had expected, i asked the checker how much the pot was. she told me it rung up at $49.99. i hesitated but continued on with the purchase because i liked it so much. so i proceeded to the snack bar to get my hotdog and sauerkraut. as i sat and ate, i wondered if i'd run into mr. costco. i looked toward his line but couldn't see him. i gave up and continued to enjoy my meal/snack. When i reached the lady at the exit doors and asked for the latest coupon book, i was directed to the customer service desk, i hurried to grab it, and walked back to the exit.
still a bit troubled by my enamel pot purchase, i made a u-turn to the entrance and asked the lady at the door if i could see the product being showcased. she was very obliging but asked that i leave my cart across the way for her to tend. fair enough. anyway, i glanced at the display and saw that the price tags were switched with the product next to the pot. i wasn't imagining things! right then, leta called me and asked, 'are you still at costco?' i told her i was then i proceeded to tell her about the enamel pot situation. 'oh, you need to handle that immediately and return it. we'll meet up and get gas together.'
after telling the door greeter the item was marked incorrectly i followed leta's advice as i could not justify its purchase. i again wheeled that cumbersome cart back to the customer service desk a little embarrassed to return an item i had just purchased. while waiting in line, my peripheral vision caught someone walking to the exit, making a b-line toward me and standing right outside of the post and retractable ribbon thingy. he was looking at me. i was a little startled but grinned from ear to ear when i realized it was mr. costco.
he made his way around the separating post to the wall to chat. we were both smiling. i noticed he almost went in for a hug but i imagine my body language told him not to. awkwardly, it seemed he didn't know whether it was appropriate to or not. he didn't hug me. good call. i would've hugged back but for goodness sake, i don't know this guy from adam and we had just met in his checkout line a week prior.
'why haven't you called?' i said teasingly.
'i've been busy. i'm sorry. i'm trying to get a job somewhere else and have been emailing back and forth.' (i don't know if this is a red flag or not but we proceed)
'you still have my number?'
'yes. i still have your number.'
'it's kevin, right?'
'yes. rika right?
'yes'. (mind you, the smiles on our faces have not ceased.)
'i'll call you this week.'
'ok. see ya.'
'see ya. you're so cute.'
we both turn around and go on after that brief stoppage of time.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
fold laundry or blog?
i have a big long post that i'm still working on. yesterday, i was all about writing it, but today, i'm not in as a pondering state. so, i'm dilly dallying till i get there. i think i'll put some motab on pandora and see if that works. here goes...
but before i get to that long post, some eventful things that took place today were 1) we had a thanksgiving potluck at work. i brought over a pound of chicken caesar salad from albertsons along with a pound of 5-bean salad and a half pound of this lemon parmesan pasta salad. i had forgotten tha the potluck was today so everything was purchased and not homemade... like it would have been anyways, only presented differently. i was pretty much the only one who dug into my contributions. oh well. i'm bummed i got so much salad because that stuff will be nasty tomorrow when we all go for the leftovers. 2) my new phone arrived in the mail today. i like the phone but i have no idea how to use it. i tried to use the calendar function but it wants me to sync it up to some other application...huh? why can't i just add a friggin' event manually?
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
for some, the mortal existence consists of struggles rife with illness, either physical, mental or both. for others, addictions. for many poverty and oppression. i surmise that for many of us we may experience a little or a lot of one or more of these struggles.
there is a spectrum of hardships (I guess all of the above can be considered hardships ) going all sorts of directions like a 3-d asterisk … the combination of which puts us on all sorts of planes. i'm not waxing scientific by any means, just trying to be a little descriptive. just as snowflakes and fingerprints are different, each of us has our own specific hardships... making us all unique. alternatively, we all have developed positive attributes and talents that may have come as a result of our struggles.
i think about those born with physical handicaps- having to immediately adapt to a world where most don’t lack what that person lacks. one who is visibly ‘different’ and will look that way for the most part. i think about those who get an illness that hinders the normalcy they once had, adds pain, or even takes away the independence of the person who was at once ‘whole’.
i think about those whose struggles are less visible-sometimes even to themselves. those who struggle to get out of bed in the morning, who fear things that are not usually feared, ones who are socially lacking, but whose minds are so quick to understand and recall what the majority of us don't. i think about those who are prone to addiction of substances, thoughts or actions. those who struggle with self-imagery. i think of those who are unable to reproduce. i think about those who have lost loved ones and those who are lonely.
something that i don't really fathom is poverty and oppression... but i can see and learn about it through relatives, friends or the media. anyway, i'm sure i haven't listed it all but i have thought about mortality- especially with respect to what my specific purpose here is, why i was born into the circumstances i was, and what my life experiences are for.
i have concluded that i am still trying to figure out what it is i was born to do and that's ok. as long as i'm living right, i will figure that out. i have also come to the conclusion that no body's life is easy, nor is it perfect. it may seem that way for some but we don't see behind closed doors. though my lot seems quite comfortable currently, i have experienced a deep hurt, loss and pain that i don't wish upon anyone. also, the worries and fears i once had have diminished. as time seems to be healing these things, something else seems to be a balm to my soul and i know that to be the gospel of Jesus Christ.
when i analyze the hardships i had and i reflect on the person i am today, i see someone with more compassion, someone who is more empathetic, someone less greedy and selfish, more independent, and a tad bit more ambitious. although my ambition is geared more toward finding out what my specific purpose in life is.
i'm totally winging it here on earth but what brings me comfort and guidance is again, the teachings of Christ. when i rely on them, the storms of life are more bearable, and the lessons i should learn from them become a little clearer.
behind other closed doors, what is it that has changed one's heart to not wish harm on someone who has harmed them? what is it that has changed one's heart to be willing and not ashamed to care for a loved one when the time comes? what is it that allows one to be happy to spend time with the youth of the church or serve in any other capacity? what is it that makes one want to ease other's burdens by donating their time and or money? if i had to give a generalized answer, it would be peace. what other than peace comes as a result of having those honest feelings behind closed doors? what can be some of the results of peace? happiness, joy, stability, and love.
what gets someone to truly obtain that peace? following the teachings and example of the Prince of Peace. He and only He was perfect. He faced hardships yes, but He taught by example and lived a perfect life. He showed us how to heal the sick, feed the hungry, love the sinner... He loved us.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
i found out
Monday, November 15, 2010
my latest worry...or at least troubled thought
well, here's to my weirdness because i don't foresee myself living with someone anytime soon. the thought of cohabiting with another-and a male at that, ties my stomach in knots. i'm way too comfortable in my mess and with my routine. it sounds like my place is a sty... it could use some help, but it's my mess. it's something i and i alone can stand. i can't stand anyone else's mess and i'm sure nobody would want to stand mine. i like living alone.
BUT, let's make this clear, i want to be married again someday. just not yet, i guess. maybe if i met my e.c. i would be singing a different tune but right now, sharing my living space doesn't sound at all appealing. anyhoo, random thoughts by rika.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
who woulda thought?
that being said, i went to costco this afternoon. costco on a saturday is like going to disneyland during it's busiest day. i dislike crowds and traffic but today, i had a mission. my mission was to exchange a pajama set that i had purchased for one of my nieces. mission plus 2 accomplished.
it's difficult to go into a costco for just one thing. not only does everything come in bulk but they sometimes have such great buys that you can't pass them up. such was my experience today. i got one of the few remaining kitty pajamas (with feet) in the right size along with a darling 3-piece shirt, sweater vest, and pant set for that same niece. i hope she likes her gifts.
after grabbing those items, naturally, i had to look at all the new things being sold before Christmas and sample the food. quelling my appetite with some chips and guacamole, tomato basil bisque, spinach ravioli, and salmon i made my way to the dreaded checkout lines. i found a short line toward the left of traffic with carts in front full of only a few bulk items. i was confident i chose a great line. indeed i had. as i glanced at the costco employee working the register, i thought, he's not bad looking. when my time to check out came and our eyes met, kevin's sparkled as he smiled and greeted me. i smiled back and i believe i said hello. we proceeded to make small talk.
'this is all you have?'
'yes, they're for my nieces.'
'no kids of your own?'
'not yet. someday.'
'haven't met the right guy yet?'
'i guess not... not yet.'
'maybe i'm that guy!?'
'i would love to take you out.'
'are you serious?'
'yes. here.' kevin pushes a button near the receipt's printer, pulls out some paper and hands me a pen. i quickly write my number then my name and push the paper back to him.
'have a great day,' he says smiling as he proceeds to ring up the lady behind me.
'you too.' i smile back.
if anything, costco delivers again. and kevin, thanks for making my day. who woulda thought?
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
hiding snacks
Sunday, October 31, 2010
finding my way
i have dear friends to thank for that. i'd like to give a shout out to leta for being THE socialite of the lds singles scene. because of you, i have something to do every weekend. and that means a lot to me. love you girl.
another thing i have tried to do with my time is focus on my interests, and in turn, hopefully develop my talents. i don't know what exercise has to do with developing my talents but i'm sure glad i have the ability to participate in physical activity. i recognize this as a huge blessing. during my first sprint triathlon, i remember being so overwhelmed with gratitude and happiness as i was nearing the end of my run. even though i was exhausted, i remember offering up a prayer for help to keep going. and then, i remember saying one of thanks. i was so thankful that i could do what i was doing at the time. that made me happy.
another thing i've taken up is chinese. i want to learn to speak chinese. i figure it'll come in handy in the future. so, i'm taking a continuing education class at unlv. i really enjoy it. i have anxiety at times when called on to read or speak in class but i enjoy the challenge and i feel like the teacher finds me amusing so that helps. i've felt a pull toward my chinese ancestry as of late. i used to be so uninterested and wanted nothing to do with the fact that my genealogical work would have to be done. but the truth is there is no magic wand that will get that work done so this is where i'm starting. i'm still trying to catch that desire.
Monday, August 9, 2010
it's well into august
i've spent most of the day thinking about the event because it was so fun and special. what made it so? was it the 30-100+ ft waterfalls over burnt sienna-red colored rock? the topaz blue pools of water, the rushing rivers or the constant cooling mists? other than the amazing scenery only nature could provide, the group of people who joined in added the extra perfect element. so, now to wax sappy and sentimental.
i have often heard (and believe) that an important thing that will continue on after this life is relationships. relationships with a spouse, family and i hope, friends. now i don't know if the people i met and spent time with this weekend will become some of my best friends but i am sure glad that i met them. for some reason, i'm in awe that we all got along so well. something about the camaraderie i felt makes me wonder if it was maybe a glimpse of what heaven will be like. we didn't have the butcher, the baker, or the candlestick maker but we had a variety of occupations represented along with differing temperaments and it was all good. our common beliefs allowed the group to to initially form. the rest just happened.
speaking of which, after attending an lds church meeting in istanbul, turkey, i made church and temple attendance a necessary event on all of my travel itineraries. so far, i have not been disappointed.
on the hike down the canyon to the village, i was amused to see a double-wide trailer with a stout white steeple on top indicating that it was a church. i was impressed and even proud when someone pointed out the familiar signage toward the front left of the building that read, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
the thought never crossed my mind that we'd attend services there but as sunday rolled around the idea was tossed about. a few us attended. about 12 of the 19 of us. i was so glad i did. i am getting choked up as i write and reminisce. brother and sister haws came from kingman, az to speak. we saw and recognized them as church members as they came out of one of the first choppers to land in the village that day. i asked brother haws if he was the bishop. he said he wasn't but that they were the speakers for the day's service. i pointed them to the direction of the church and off they went down the dirt road.
after we got our names on the helicopter list, a few of us at a time made our way to church... hats, tees and tank tops, runners, sandals, board and booty shorts and all. the haws were the the only ones there setting up the chairs and getting sacrament ready. actually a local boy was sweeping the floor when we got there but he disappeared. none of the local members came. we got started late but the Spirit wasn't lacking from the opening song of 'did you think to pray' to the closing of 'how firm a foundation'.
partaking of the sacrament was simple yet powerful. it was a special event. brother haws blessed the sacrament and jason s. passed it... wearing a tank top. sister haws gave a touching talk about prayer and brother haws spoke about the faith of the brother of jared. they cut their words short for us knowing that time was of the essence. during and after church i felt uplifted, happy, grateful, and filled. going to church in the havasupai village was one of the highlights of the trip.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
i can't wait
i somehow got roped into helping with the painting of the room last week and now the stencils or sticker thingys are going up. i really don't mind helping... it's actually fun for me. and it looks adorable. the painting started last week. half way up a butter creme wall, baby blue was painted all across the bottom half of 2 adjoining walls. next, a crimson stripe above the baby blue. the following day, a 2 inch chocolate brown stripe above the crimson. and on the fourth day, another chocolate brown margin line below the crimson stripe. it looks good.
tonight, the most complicated or most troublesome of the sticker pieces went up. first, a 3 ft long green crocodile above the stripes on the wall to the right of the crib. and then a 3 ft tall orange giraffe on the top right of the wall behind the crib. the giraffe took a beating before going up. we got him stuck to the croc and all tattered and torn trying to get him loose. but as we delicately operated and place him on the wall, this beat up guy quickly became my favorite of all the creatures. we stuck a little dragonfly to the left of his face, he's so darn cute. numbers of different colors and sizes also went up. 4,5,6,7,8 & 9 are done. 1,2&3 will probably go up tomorrow along with a palm tree, monkeys and a lion.
pics to follow...
Friday, June 25, 2010
the other day i was talking to a lady and she told me something another lady had told me a little over a year ago. 'you need to work at the temple.' i think she's right. i think they both are. i mean where is there a better place i could be spending my non-productive time? i'm pretty sure i could do it. i could devote a few hours once a week. plus, and here's the selfish part, maybe i'll find that special someone there. i mean, it's one thing to say that you can attend the temple but it's quite another to actually be there, serving. i'll be able to peep the men who give of their time as well. ;)
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
shirking my duty
on a random tangent, i'm sick to my stomach. i feel the same way i did years and years ago when i went on this date with a classmate named jason l. jason didn't treat me well, all he wanted from me was a make out session. he was a terrible slobbery kisser but i put up with it... once. anyway, on one date with this jason, we ended up doubling with his parents- of all people. his mom looked and dressed like lucile ball did on 'i love lucy'... no lie. anyway, so here we are double dating in the back seat of this ford taurus while his parents are in the front seat. prior to dinner someone had this brilliant idea that we'd drive through the hills of salt lake city to look at all the pretty houses. long story short, i got nauseous. but my stomach was empty. when we finally made it to the afghani restaurant where we were to eat, i about lost it with the smells. for some strange reason, i'm feeling that same ill feeling tonight. just thought i'd share.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
i pledge allegiance to costco
my recent experience at costco was extremely pleasant. i met cheryl at the hot links table. she was quite the salesperson. cheryl struck up a convo with me by asking if i make pancit. i was taken back. you see, pancit is a popular stir-fried noodle dish of the philippines. she knew i was filippino. rarely do people know that about me without me divulging that fact. she told me that she uses those particular hot links in her pancit. she also told me she was jamaican. that's when i really got excited. i asked her where i could find chicken curry patties here, meaning las vegas. but i didn't quite communicate that to her properly because it didn't register. she pointed to the different turkey burger and chicken cutlet patties, nearby. i asked the question again, and added 'you know the ones you eat with coco bread?' cheryl lit up and said, 'oh you mean pa tays?' i said, yeah those. i told her i lived in new york where i enjoyed a good pa tay or two but could never find them out here. she told me of a store on the other side of town that sold them. anyway, we hit it off.
i now have a new friend whose name i can drop when i visit the jamiacan store across town to get some jamaican chicken curry pa tays, some coco bread and maybe even some oxtail soup. 'girl, tell them that cheryl sent you.' it was a good day at costco.
i forgot one more thing. doesn't everyone have a secret desire to work there?
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
life experiences
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
beehive fashion show
i'd love to end it there.
highlights :
-called 'modest is the hottest'
-passed off a large value project for 3 of the girls
-catwalk / stage = awesome
-cristina smith (tennis friend of the yw pres. and former model) taught the models how to work the T, walk the catwalk and the fed the models out the runway... as a visitor. that's huge!!!
-handmade paper flower decor
-music provided by yours truly
-about 12 girls from the ward primary and 1 boy participated along with of our young women
-desserts included strawberry shortcake cups and cookies
just add ice
ice works wonders. i've never iced anything regularly. it's just not something i've ever got into the habit of doing. but after last night, i'm a believer.
this leads me to wonder. what did my ancestors do to reduce swelling and pain without the capability of freezing water? did they have cold rivers to stick their aching feet into? i don't think so. i do think the chinese had ointments that mimicked a cooling sensation, but was that enough? anyway, things that make you go 'hmmm'.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
driving to work today i saw the tops of trees either broken or severely bent. the winds were the worst i've ever experienced here in vegas. when i first moved here about 6 years ago, i was shocked at how windy it was. my bishop at the time told me vegas should be known as the second windy city. who' da thunk? not this girl.
so back to the winds of last night. they rattled the windows that aren't supposed to rattle, they broke trees, toppled full trash bins and brought a neighbor's trash lid onto my fake lawn. it sounded like trains were rushing by my front door every few seconds. at one point i thought my dead-bolted front door would swing open.
i wonder what these winds will bring... other than horrible allergies.
Monday, May 10, 2010
i eat WAY too much.
how is it monday already?
saturday morning brought me to girls camp's first aid clinic. i picked up juliet and victoria-two of my beehives. we have a small group of girls going to stake camp at kolob canyon. five girls and two ycls. i was asked to sit in on the 'how you transport an injured person' class. fun stuff. i hope that i'll never have to drag someone out of a burning tent in or on their sleeping bag, but i'll know how to do it.
after 2 hours at the clinic, i drove juliet, christina and her sister emily back to juliet's for our young women's photo shoot. hair makeup and 3 different outfits for 8 girls took about 5 hours. i collapsed after i got home. took a 2 hour nap then got up and swam a mile. after which, i prepared some more for the lesson i'd be giving the next day.
mother's day was great. the talks in sacrament meeting were sweet... all focused on moms, wives and daughters. i further prepared for my lesson during the second hour block. the lesson went better than i had expected. participation (comments) from the girls and leaders really makes or breaks a lesson, i think. i had lots of help. some thoughts shared included writing in 2 diaries. one for the day-to-day and one for the spiritual. another story shared by miele reid was how her 8 year old 'pours over' the journal she had kept at a similar age.
i showed off my blog, read the post about preparing for the lesson, ended with the 'dream of lola carmen' and shared what i did as a result of that dream. it was good. i cried as i talked about being baptized for grandma. it was a joy to be able to do that for her. i am glad that i started this blog. and i am glad that i use it as my journal.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
am i supposed to be doing something?
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
what today?
also, my fellow blogger jalae posted a great mormon message entitled 'my new life' on facebook. it helped me realize that we can find things to be thankful for even in our trials.
this sunday, i'm supposed to teach the young women lesson 16 on journals. yet another reason i'm glad i started this blog. i want to show them my blog and even read some entries but i'm not really sure which ones to share. i'm thinking that the dream about lola carmen would be a good one. and perhaps, oh i don't know... i'll have to keep thinking about it.
as i read through the lesson one quote has lingered in my mind. it was given by president kimball, the 12th president of the lds church. he said, 'those who keep a personal journal are more likely to keep the Lord in remembrance in their daily lives.' why is that? hold on, i'm pondering as i eat this banana flavored popsicle. (still on a ginger ale, cracker, toast and popisicle diet)
well, perhaps as we recall and jot down the events of our lives, mundane or extraordinary as they may be, we are more prone to recognize the Lord's hand. or we may be more able to peek at how God in His omniscience shows Himself. otherwise, we would rely solely upon our fleeting memories. and i know how easily my memory fades. however, i'm reminded of a conference talk given by president eyring entitled 'o remember, remember'.
his closing remarks were, 'tonight, and tomorrow night, you might pray and ponder, asking the questions: did God send a message that was just for me? did i see His hand in my life or in the lives of my children? i will do that. and then i will find a way to preserve that memory for that day that i, and those that i love, will need to remember how much God loves us and how much we need Him. I testify that He loves us and blesses us, more than most of us have yet recognized. i know that this is true, and it brings me joy to remember Him.'
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
may's calendar
wednesday 5th- ward correlation
thursday 6th-stake girls camp meeting
saturday 8th- camp first aid training ; then photo shoot
sunday 9th mother's day- lesson on journals
tuesday 11th- can't remember
saturday 15th - ward picnic and cake auction (always a blast)
tuesday 18th - make decorations for the following week's fashion show
tuesday 25th -beehives throwing the fashion show
my heaving and the earth's heaving
but it sure seems like it. my current illness appears to be the stomach flu. last week was a sinus infection. now that the winds have picked up, subsided and are supposed to pick up again, i'm bracing myself. but hoping that these new winds clear the air of whatever's getting me sick. :) i suppose that i should be more careful of what i eat and when i eat it. nuking a meal to leave it in the microwave for 20 mins prior to nuking it again and eating it probably isn't the wisest thing to do. bruscetta chicken from fresh and easy is the furthest thing from my palette's desires.
my stomach also tosses as i worry of my mom and sis. that situation weighs most on my mind. i will expound in a later post that i have been working on.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
my cupboards are bare part ii
ok. so i went shopping, got some prepared 'fresh' meals that i can just nuke and eat, 8 gallons of water, some sorbet, irish steel cut oats, butternut squash soup, canned chicken noodle soup, wheat bread, wheat pitas and hummus. i spent about 45 bones.
after picking up the prescription and a few other toiletries, i headed home. i rushed into the house from the crazy wind, and ran to the bathroom. did my biz, took my pills and crashed on the bed. 6 hours later, at a little after midnight, i awoke. i roamed around the house and got on the computer. i made my way to the kitchen and found what? 2 plastic grocery bags on the floor with now not-so-fresh food. warm in fact. i just wasted 20 bones of food; good healthy food that i'm sad i must toss. no bueno. i think that's the first time i've ever done that. hope it's my last.
huntington beach first ward midsingles
i wish we had a ward like this here in vegas. sacrament meeting was the highlight of the singles conference for me. (regretfully, i missed the saturday morning workshops but i heard they were uplifting as well) it has been a while since i have felt the spirit so strong and so powerfully as i had while sitting in that pew, singing the hymns we sang and hearing the talks given. i felt like a i was in a huge choir of 1100 (approx. the amount of people in attendance) belting out our souls and testimony through song. it was amazing. i am thankful and feel blessed to have experienced that. there is no doubt in my mind that the gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of peace and happiness. i know that we as children of a loving Father in Heaven are to be married and have families. this is my wish, my hope, my dream.
bishop lang, the shepherd of the hb1 midsingles has a ward program focused specifically for people of my age range 27-45. it's a program i hope our geographic region will soon mimic. his talk was one i really enjoyed. other than his humor, i felt his sincerity and love for us. i'm posting his talk below.
Here is the TOP TEN list Bishop Lang said would be put on the website and that so many people have been asking for. No word yet on if there will be a version for the women:
Top 10 Reasons I'm not married yet
For the Men
Number 10 - I haven't met a Spiritual Angelina Jolie lookalike with a trust fund…YET
Advice: when you get home tonight take your shirt off, sit on the bed, and look in the mirror. Show me your bank statement.
Number 9 - Married life will most likely cut into my World of Warcraft time…
Advice: GO outside, GO to the Temple, Do your Home teaching, and GO out on Dates, Serve others.
Number 8 - I can hardly support myself; plus I'm still not sure what I'm going to be when I grow up….
Advice: "A rolling stone gathers no Moss" do what you know and know what you do… WORK
Number 7 - My One True Love is married to a dentist, living in Orem, and has 2.3 children…
Advice: Move on, get a life; realize she's not coming back… forget yourself…
Number 6 - I have already been married, as soon as the reception was over she turned into the Wicked Witch of the West… Now I'm scared … it will take an Act of Congress before I get married again…
Advice: there are 3 parts of the sealing ceremony… If you didn't break yours that's the best you can do… 2nd Article of Faith: We believe that men will be punished for their own sins and not for Adams transgression…
Number 5 - None of the women I'm interested in will date with me…
Advice: when you get home tonight take your shirt off, sit on the bed, and look in the mirror…
Number 4 - I will never be able to have a successful marriage. I have accumulated some baggage... I've made mistakes that leave me feeling unworthy… I have developed a dark habit…
Advice: John 8…
Number 3 - My parents are divorced. It scared me. I'm stuck in between them. I don't ever want my children to go thru what I have…
Advice: So what? If your dad jumps off a bridge does that mean you have to do it also??? 2nd Article of Faith.
Number 2 - My siblings are married and struggle… Their kids are brats… They have financial trouble... Every time they argue my sister calls me and gives me way too much information…
Advice: you're not your sibling, there is absolutely no reason that you have to repeat anything your sibling does… or doesn't do… watch and learn.
The Number One reason I'm not married yet is: I don't want to make a mistake… I'm scared… I wonder if it's my lot in life to be single…
Advice: Maybe it is your lot in life… WRONG. You can do it… who wants you to be happy? And who wants you to be single?… President James E. Faust - said "… don't take too much counsel from your fears…"
Top Ten Reasons I shouldn't give up and /or what to do about it …
For the Men
Number 10 - I just haven't met Mrs. Right yet... Maybe she's here…. Will the real Mrs. Right please raise your hand...
Advice: Men, these women have non-member men asking them out constantly… but they WANT a righteous Priesthood holder; don't under estimate yourselves… Don't underestimate Mrs. Right here…
Number 9 - The longer I'm single the weirder I'm getting…
Advice: self explanatory... You guys are like beautiful Ferraris' driving around stuck in 2nd gear… when you become a family it's like sliding that puppy into 5th gear and fulfilling your potential… everything becomes a purpose in raising your family…
Number 8 - I don't feel worthy… I'm discouraged…
Advice: Moses 1:39 for behold this is my work and my glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of YOU…
Number 7 - You need to propagate your seed…
Advice: Abrahamic covenant…see Addendum below
Number 6 - You hold the Priesthood of God... (Most of you) You have been ordained and for ordained to be a Husband and father and to become like our Heavenly Father…
Advice: D&C 84:34-41 Oath and Covenant of The Priesthood…
Number 5 - Nothing worthwhile is easy... This life is a test...
Advice: When Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden they were commanded to earn their sustenance by working 6 days a week, by the sweat of their face shalt they eat their bread… Genesis 3:16-19
Number 4 - True Joy comes from giving… When we become a Family… We become like our Heavenly Father and his Son…
Advice: There are 3 phases to Mans life … Phase 1… we believe in Santa Claus… Phase 2 we don't… Phase 3 ….You are Santa Claus… Phase 4 …you look like Santa Claus… (When you get home tonight take your shirt off, sit on the bed, and look in the mirror...)
Number 3 - Nothing you ever do will please your Heavenly Father, Savior, Earthly Parents, Future In laws, future spouse and most importantly yourself… than becoming a Family…
Advice: Genesis 2:24 "Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh…"
Number 2 - It's not good for man to be alone… The first conversation God and the Savior had regarding us after they had created Adam was… "Is it good for man to be alone? NOPE."
The Number One reason is… We are exalted as Families… Moses 1:39… D&C 132: 19 The new and everlasting covenant…
Addendum - Abrahamic Covenant
Abraham received the gospel and was ordained a high priest (D&C 84:14; Abraham 1:2). He later entered into celestial marriage, which is the covenant of exaltation (D&C 131:1-4; 132:19, 29). In connection with the covenants he made, he received great promises from the Lord concerning his family. Among these promises were the following:
•His posterity would be numerous
•His seed or descendants would receive the gospel and bear the priesthood.
•Through the ministry of his seed "all the families of the earth would be blessed, even with the blessings of the Gospel, which are the blessings of salvation, even of life eternal."
Together, all the covenants and promises that Abraham received from the Lord are called the Abrahamic covenant, even if he or she is not a literal descendant of Abraham.
As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, you are a child of the covenant. You have received the everlasting gospel and inherited the same promises given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. You have the right to the blessings of the priesthood and to eternal life, according to your faithfulness in receiving the ordinances of salvation and keeping the associated covenants. Nations of the earth will be blessed by your efforts and the labors of your posterity.
Monday, April 26, 2010
my cupboards are bare.
banana bread for dinner it is!
this is bad.
almost 3 weeks ago, i was on a carnival cruise ship with hundreds of hormonal lds singles on our way to cabo and back. and just this past weekend i attended a midsingles conference in huntington beach. it was good times.
i'm still rockin' and reeling from the boat. i think something's wrong with my inner ear. every time i lean over to pick something up, bend over to tie my shoe or even just break it down on the dark dance floor, i still feel like i'm on the ship. it's an odd sensation. i guess i'd be ready for a rolling earthquake at any time of the day. the sounds of things rattling or clanging against each other would be my only indication that i was in an actual quake. maybe i should see a doc... but first, i must try over-the-counter ear drops at the recommendation of a friend experiencing the same sensations.
this was basically my schedule while on the cruise ship elation. eat, nap, eat, work out, hot tub, eat, go to a show, dance till 1am, sleep, repeat. the grub was good. i'm kinda craving lobster right about now. escargot, never again.
as far as meeting dudes, the only love connection i wanted to make was with a crew member. the asst. maitre'd. no boatmance resulted but he did end up with a pass along card with my info. how else was he going to find out about mormons? we've been in touch.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
the riddle
by five for fighting is one of my favorite songs. it's brilliant. i get good feelings when i hear it.
it expresses the questions many have about life and the simple answers of what life is about... you and i.
there was a man back in '95
whose heart ran outta summers but before he died,
i asked him 'wait, what's the sense in life?'
come over me, come over me.
he said, 'son, why you gotta sing that tune?
catch a dillan song or some eclipse of the moon.
let and angel swing and make you swoon
then you will see... you will see.'
then he said, 'here's a riddle for ya, find the answer:
there's a reason for the world... you and i.'
picked up my kid from school today.
'did you learn anything, cuz in the world today
you can't live in a castle far away,
now talk to me, come talk to me.'
he said, 'dad i'm big but we're smaller than small,
in the scheme of things well, we're nothing at all.'
still every mother's child sings a lonely song.
'so play with me, come play with me.
and hey dad, here's a riddle for ya.
find the answer.
there's a reason for the world,
you and i...'
i said, 'son, for all i've told ya,
when you get right down to the reason for the world,
who am i?'
there are secrets that we still have left to find.
there have been mysteries from the beginning of time.
there are answers we're not wise enough to see.
he said, 'you're looking for clue. i love you free.'
the batter swings and the summer flies
as i look into my angels eyes.
a song plays on while the moon is high
over me. something comes over me.
i guess we're big and i guess we're small.
if you think about it man you know we got it all.
cuz we're all we got on this bouncin' ball.
and i love you free.
i love you freely.
here's a riddle for ya.
find the answer.
there's a reason for the world.
you and i.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
mother clutter!!!
'mother, there is much too much clutter!!!' cried sissy from the front room of an old 3 bedroom
cottage in the suburbs of so cal.
'there is simply no room for all these trinkets and nick knacks!
what are they for?
what do they do?
i stumble and trip with every step i take
i meander and weave; a path i try to make
clutter here, clutter there!
there is much too much junk EVERYWHERE!
if it doesn't have a home, it doesn't belong.
we need not be keepers of this, this, this... gong?!
PLEASE, oh please, for sanity's sake,
let us get rid of the clutter, the clatter,
the things that don't matter.'
favorite quote of conference
Saturday, April 3, 2010
dream about ants?
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
i think i have a cruise mate.
Monday, March 29, 2010
'you're closer than you think'
right now physically and spiritually, i'm hoping it's true.
physically, i would lazily give up to body jet lipo but when it costs a few cool G's i think, 'you're crazy'. a few thousand in the bank would be better for me than surgically removing my fat. i may have emergency auto repairs or even need surgery on some random condition (according to one of my recent loony dreams). so i tell myself, get your butt moving, and stop eating crap like chewy chips ahoys. then you'll have the body you want. you're closer than you think.
spiritually, i feel like i'm in a rut. i have no motivation to read and study the scriptures on my own or follow the sunday school lessons. but i do make sure (at the very least) to read a couple of verses before bed. and i remember to pray. if nothing else, i MAKE myself pray... kneeling at the side of my bed. none of this booty up in the air while on my bed. i figure if oprah does it this way night and day then so can i. anyway, i'm really looking forward to general conference this weekend. because right now, it may be the little push that i need. and i guess, i'm closer than than i think.
with every sport i've engaged in, i find that i have always enjoyed the training and the practice more than the competition. why is that? i find more satisfaction in the practice than the play. maybe it's because there is disappointment when you lose while keeping score. nobody likes to lose. when play actually counts and the pressure's on, for me, the game often becomes more of the mind than of the body. i thought that i was tough-minded, but i have found players more stubbornly sound than i. i need to work on becoming more mentally strong.
so, how does one strengthen oneself mentally? if after losing a point or 3 or even a set, how does one calm oneself, re-assess and go back to basics? i am not sure, but that's what i want to work on. i need to get the basics soundly down and then be able to revert to them when it gets tough and play really counts. i'm sure there is a gospel lesson to tie into here... but i'm too mentally spent to do it. :)
i can't get sick.
right now i'm giving a certain homeopathic med a try. one of its inactive in ingredients: lactose. not good as i'm lactose intolerant. other than that, they seem to be working... either that or the power of positive thinking is in full force.
cold, cold, go away. don't ever come... not even on a rainy day. lactose, lactose, you're no fun. boiron, please make a drug that won't have none. tummy grumble, tummy ache you're the reason i'm up... that and all my crazy dreams of late. gas, gas, please hurry up and pass.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
cruise to cabo
pride and prejudice (the shorter movie)
but as these last few days have past, days with stints of loneliness and want, days with periods of a deep ache impossible to comfort, this movie has offered me a little hope. and why not hope i say?
why not hope for a companion 'so similar' as lizzie mentions to her father. why not hope for a gentleman who makes his intentions known? one who reveals his true feelings? a man who rights the wrongs he has made, a man who will love me despite my faults and shortcomings and will accept my family in all its dysfunction. why not hope for a provider? why not hope for shared or reciprocated attraction?
Monday, March 22, 2010
filing taxes single
there is a strange sadness in what i just did. an emptiness. i feel weird that i feel this way but i must still be grieving... or something.
sad that this part of life has been done alone when it wasn't those 8 consecutive years before, teary-eyed of what could've been, that expectations went unfulfilled, and lonely. not many deductions to report (for me) translates to dreams and goals erased but hopefully just put on hold.
this wouldn't be a journal if i never express the good the bad and the ugly. i guess this would classify as the bad.
self-pity parties are ok in my book, as long as they don't last more than an hour. i let it out. i'm moving on. i'm looking forward to what is to come.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
the end.
current favorite sushi joint: spicy tuna
introduced by: the bonifazios
favorite roll: the 'burning night' hold the jalapeno & the 'these guys' roll
last eaten: tonight
taste sensations: salty, tad tart, spicy, tender and crunchy.
current experience: watering mouth.
5 places
on a slightly related tangent, the following are my top 5 favorite places i've visited... in no particular order:
*chang mai
*cinque terra
*driving pacific coast hwy
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
leslie's bambinos
since i don't have children of my own, i'm gonna brag about another dear friend's posterity. i got to spend the weekend with leslie and her family. her two beautiful blue-eyed toe heads are growing... brilliantly.
the eldest, a three year-old girl going on 25 is a very social and obedient one. i can't say enough about her. always pleasant, animated and very talkative, i was quite blown away with her knowledge of everything from the functions of the human body (i believe the heart is her current favorite), to the types of clouds in the sky. oh, and another thing, she knew ALL the lyrics to her favorite faith hill songs along with dozens of nursery and primary songs. she made me feel special as she made sure that everyone we interacted with knew who i was. thanks for introducing me to your friends and family :).
next, a two-year old boy full of energy. his cute little sing-y 'nope's were my favorite. he was more quiet but i know he's just soaking everything in. i wouldn't be surprised if one day he decided to write a dissertation on all the different dinosaurs. curious george, his show of choice, seems to teach these children some amazing things. thanks for being so fun and friendly.
Monday, March 15, 2010
to the meanie
as the bumper sticker on my friend's blog states, "mean people suck". and you were mean! not to me, but to the lady taking your order. sure she was from another country, one of my ancestry, in fact. but she spoke well enough. you were the unclear one. so, don't try to pull the 'maybe i need to speak her language' card. as i recall, your order was completely retarded.
'i want no pickles and onions'. what are we all supposed to gather from that? you don't want both pickles and onions. everyone in line stood shaking their heads. you took way too much time and brought the yucky spirit of contention to simply explain that you didn't want pickles. all of us waiting agreed that you were unclear. we just couldn't tell you for fear you'd try to knock one of us out. everything else but hold the pickles. your english sucked my friend. and you didn't get to 'have it your way'.
what matters most
as i age and experience this solitary and reflective stage of my life, i am convinced that relationships are what matter most. sure the boat, the beautiful house, the fun cars, clothes, shoes, botox (never had it), lipo (want it), and boobs (check) are nice to have but they rot, break, tear, wear, and sag. those things don't last but relationships can and do. forever even.
and what's even better? relationships with those we love and trust are what get us through the toughest of tough times and make the joyous of life's experiences complete and utter euphoria. no matter what stage of life we are in, we can strengthen and lift one another, comfort and soothe one another, and my personal favorite, laugh with one another. i hope i can spend the rest of my days remembering to nurture the relationships i currently have along with the ones that will develop.
surprise revealed
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
sleep deprived
also, the less sleep i get, the more likely i am to fall asleep at my desk. that's right, i doze off. and i do it quite frequently. even when it gets busy. see, my job doesn't require much brain usage. at least the part that would require me to stay alert, problem solve, or use some creativity. i could probably do my job in my sleep. however, i cannot perform the tasks in the state that i'm often in. the state of trying to stay awake while nodding off.
i have made mistakes. the most recent being last friday. i input weights that were way off the numbers indicated by shippers. and my errors were caught. i looked at the notes on the paper i was getting my information from and i see chicken scratch. the letters are barely legible. i bet i was just about to hit REM sleep or something.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
i know that the young women program is inspired. this calling is a blessing in my life. i love it. i love the girls i serve and the women with whom i serve. i'm learning a lot from them and couldn't imagine myself in any other place at this time in my life.
i miss my first band members consisting of the bonifazios. marianne (lead guitarist), i hope you're recovering and doing well. my thoughts and prayers are with you. macey and michael, when mar gets back, LET'S ROCK!!!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
this one's for the guys
macy's was having a bit of a sale today. so naturally, women were there. i did see men as well. some of these men looked like they may have been partial to men but there were a select few who definitely liked ladies, in fact i knew they loved their women.
how did i know that they loved their women? they were out shopping and it wasn't valentine's day. well, they weren't actually doing the shopping. they were sitting, dazed, looking lost, or fast asleep on the randomly placed upholstered chairs of the department store's floor. each chair i happened to pass by was taken... by men.
the first filled chair (next to the petite section) had an older man completely passed out. he seemed to have found a comfortable enough position as the right side of his face along with his right shoulder were pressed against the chair's back. as i perused the sale rack of dresses my eye caught another chair next to a mirrored column. again, another sleeping man. this guy was trying to play it cool though. and he was doing a good job at it. surely he was a biker or a muscle car man. his head, razor-shaved along with his fairly kempt goatee, led me to this conclusion. black oakley glasses covered his eyes as he reclined. the large tan coach bag with lime green leather trim guarded under his legs added to his coolness. as i made my way to the fitting room, i saw a third male sitting in a chair. this one was fully awake. his eyes were bulging and he looked so lost and out of his element. with his back against the dressing room wall his eyes roamed all over the place. i initially perceived him as creepy, but the previous men softened my judgments to endearing.
good men. decent men. patient men. men who love their women. this one's for you.