for some, the mortal existence consists of struggles rife with illness, either physical, mental or both. for others, addictions. for many poverty and oppression. i surmise that for many of us we may experience a little or a lot of one or more of these struggles.
there is a spectrum of hardships (I guess all of the above can be considered hardships ) going all sorts of directions like a 3-d asterisk … the combination of which puts us on all sorts of planes. i'm not waxing scientific by any means, just trying to be a little descriptive. just as snowflakes and fingerprints are different, each of us has our own specific hardships... making us all unique. alternatively, we all have developed positive attributes and talents that may have come as a result of our struggles.
i think about those born with physical handicaps- having to immediately adapt to a world where most don’t lack what that person lacks. one who is visibly ‘different’ and will look that way for the most part. i think about those who get an illness that hinders the normalcy they once had, adds pain, or even takes away the independence of the person who was at once ‘whole’.
i think about those whose struggles are less visible-sometimes even to themselves. those who struggle to get out of bed in the morning, who fear things that are not usually feared, ones who are socially lacking, but whose minds are so quick to understand and recall what the majority of us don't. i think about those who are prone to addiction of substances, thoughts or actions. those who struggle with self-imagery. i think of those who are unable to reproduce. i think about those who have lost loved ones and those who are lonely.
something that i don't really fathom is poverty and oppression... but i can see and learn about it through relatives, friends or the media. anyway, i'm sure i haven't listed it all but i have thought about mortality- especially with respect to what my specific purpose here is, why i was born into the circumstances i was, and what my life experiences are for.
i have concluded that i am still trying to figure out what it is i was born to do and that's ok. as long as i'm living right, i will figure that out. i have also come to the conclusion that no body's life is easy, nor is it perfect. it may seem that way for some but we don't see behind closed doors. though my lot seems quite comfortable currently, i have experienced a deep hurt, loss and pain that i don't wish upon anyone. also, the worries and fears i once had have diminished. as time seems to be healing these things, something else seems to be a balm to my soul and i know that to be the gospel of Jesus Christ.
when i analyze the hardships i had and i reflect on the person i am today, i see someone with more compassion, someone who is more empathetic, someone less greedy and selfish, more independent, and a tad bit more ambitious. although my ambition is geared more toward finding out what my specific purpose in life is.
i'm totally winging it here on earth but what brings me comfort and guidance is again, the teachings of Christ. when i rely on them, the storms of life are more bearable, and the lessons i should learn from them become a little clearer.
behind other closed doors, what is it that has changed one's heart to not wish harm on someone who has harmed them? what is it that has changed one's heart to be willing and not ashamed to care for a loved one when the time comes? what is it that allows one to be happy to spend time with the youth of the church or serve in any other capacity? what is it that makes one want to ease other's burdens by donating their time and or money? if i had to give a generalized answer, it would be peace. what other than peace comes as a result of having those honest feelings behind closed doors? what can be some of the results of peace? happiness, joy, stability, and love.
what gets someone to truly obtain that peace? following the teachings and example of the Prince of Peace. He and only He was perfect. He faced hardships yes, but He taught by example and lived a perfect life. He showed us how to heal the sick, feed the hungry, love the sinner... He loved us.
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