photograph: prayers by johnny monahan

Monday, November 15, 2010

my latest worry...or at least troubled thought

as much as i dislike cats, i think i've comfortably adopted one of their common attributes- independence. i really enjoy my independence, my solitude, my alone time at the beginning and end of the day. why is this troubling to me? because i don't want to turn into one of those weirdos that my single friend mark has talked about. he said something like the longer you live alone (stalkers and creepers you shouldn't be reading this) the weirder you get.

well, here's to my weirdness because i don't foresee myself living with someone anytime soon. the thought of cohabiting with another-and a male at that, ties my stomach in knots. i'm way too comfortable in my mess and with my routine. it sounds like my place is a sty... it could use some help, but it's my mess. it's something i and i alone can stand. i can't stand anyone else's mess and i'm sure nobody would want to stand mine. i like living alone.

BUT, let's make this clear, i want to be married again someday. just not yet, i guess. maybe if i met my e.c. i would be singing a different tune but right now, sharing my living space doesn't sound at all appealing. anyhoo, random thoughts by rika.