it was the summer of '99. i was home from byu working 2 jobs. i worked at big canyon country club as a hostess/server and at nbc's dreamcastle marketing in burbank as an intern. by this time, i had met my ex-husband in the el dorado singles ward i was attending and had gone on a few dates with him.
one particular morning as i was getting ready to head to work, i went to my car parked on the street in front of the house and found deep red velvet petals sprinkled all over my white '89 honda accord. i had no idea who had placed the rose petals on the car. just rose petals lay all over the hood, roof and trunk of the car, nothing else. i looked at the rose bushes our front yard to see if they had been disturbed. they had not. my mind raced to think of every possible culprit. i wondered if it was one of my brothers many admirers (no worries betsy. kris was in micronesia), a very secret admirer i had never known about, someone whom i had just been introduced to in the home ward, or my ex.
to this day i don't know who placed those petals on the car but my ex reaped the rewards of such a sweet and thoughtful act. he was honest in admitting that it was not his doing but was grateful it was done. i still wonder. i wonder if i'll ever find out who the petal sprinkler was...